Friday, May 11, 2007

So Close...

We're almost there!! I don't know how well you can see this, but you're looking at a sonogram picture of baby girl waving. We noticed right off that she has pretty long fingers. Surely she'll be the next Beethoven. It's hard to believe that this sonogram was done so long ago! Miss Lily has definitely gotten a lot bigger since then. Over 20 weeks have passed! We're only 4 days from the due date now and counting down. My mom thinks I'll have her tomorrow. I hope she's right but something tells me that baby girl is cozy and might not want to come out that soon.
Yesterday we got a package in the mail. Aunt Kathy Groves sent us a beautiful little afghan!! Thank you so much! It's so cute and I'm sure it will get used a lot!
At the Beals reunion (that was actually quite awhile back now) we were talking about how family gatherings at the Groves's would never be the same. We already have baby Adaley, soon we'll have Lily and Tyler..and as Steve pointed out, Malia will be there to boss all the little ones around!! Ha! I can't wait! It will be so much fun!
Well, I think my "nesting" instincts are kicking in and I need to do some cleaning. Hopefully my next post will include pictures of a newborn!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how is little miss Riley Dean? Just kidding! Congratulations on the new arrival--I hope to see some pictures very soon!

P.S. I am having some difficulty signing into my blogger sometimes, but I do still have a blog. I just don't update it very often.

May 24, 2007 7:12 AM  

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