Thursday, December 08, 2005

My Head's About to Pop

Sorry I haven't updated much. Too much is going on right now. I'm so happy the semester's coming to a close. I just hope I make it out with a good enough GPA to be eligible for my faculty nominated scholarship (that sounds important, huh) and to stay in Sigma Tau Delta (acronym STD...someone didn't think that one through). I guess we'll find out.

I hope you're all doing well at the end of the semester. I've been reading other people's posts about the whole idea of Christmas and how consumerism has somewhat (okay, majorly) corrupted the season. (By the way, I don't know what's with all the parenthetical texts, guess I'm just on one of those kicks.) But one thing I was thinking...when people say "Happy Holidays" they're still getting at something sacred. "Holiday" is composed of "holy" and "day"...just making a point, and a feeble one at that. This is boring. Ha. My brain is so fried. When I actually get some decent sleep free of worry, I'll post something better (maybe).

On a funnier note, I read something I could hear Adam saying..."I couldn't fix your brakes so I made your horn louder."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so true, instead of ppl talking about the war on Christmas, they should instead make note of the fact that altho the basis of Christmas is Jesus, very few recognize the real reason for the season, and even if so.. how much is actually about what it should be (as with your pt on consumerism)

December 09, 2005 12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and then i linked to matt's blog, read his posts, and jon's.. and realized the discussion of issues with Christmas had already begun, hehe, NICE

see you in a few~ finish strong!

December 09, 2005 12:49 AM  

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